The management of Apple knew even before the conference on October 4 that Steve Jobs was going to die

    At the iPhone 4S presentation conference, all Apple executives seemed angry, lacking enthusiasm, and everyone noticed this. In the hall, an empty chair reminded everyone that a very important person, perhaps the most important, was absent from the conference, and the next day we found out that Steve Jobs passed away. Those at Apple knew from the beginning of the week that Steve Jobs would die and talked to the Palo Alto police to send patrols to the former CEO's house to make sure that his family would not be attacked by fans who wanted to bring him a homage

Following the meeting, the police devised a plan to put patrols in the area around the former Apple chief executive officer's Palo Alto home once they heard from the company that he had died, according to Sandra Brown, the spokeswoman.

The Apple representatives told the police department there was "a possibility that it could happen this week," Brown said in a phone interview. "It's common sense for us to work together. If you think about who he was and his contribution to the world, people might come out in drovess. "

    Finally, after the announcement of the death of Steve Jobs, only 40 people left bouquets of flowers and candles in front of his house, most preferring to go in front of Apple stores to express their sadness. The information comes from Bloomberg and it only comes to confirm what everyone suspected for a long time, the fact that this conference took place under the sign of sadness, an obvious one, visible both on stage and in the hall.