Facebook and the death of Steve Jobs used for phishing attacks

    IERI (Yesterday) the death of Steve Jobs he was on the front page of most newspapers around the world, the story of his life was presented on the big televisions of the world and some thought of taking advantage of this to make fun of the fans of the legendary CEO of Apple. A whole series of fake pages which either gave away iPad tablets in exchange for an email address, or claimed that they would present images from Steve's funeral, and finally one page managed to convince users to infect their computers with malware by installing some files.

     If you are invited to participate in such an event on Facebook, I advise you to report the page to the American company to delete it because absolutely nothing will be offered through the social network. Apple won't give away Macbooks/iPads for free because Steve Jobs died, so you can take your cue from that. Pages like this appear every time such an important event happens and it's good to always be cautious because you don't know how you can expose yourself to thieves by providing a simple email address.