The dark side of Steve Jobs

     I don't know how many of you have watched the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley released in 1999, but if you haven't seen it yet, I recommend that you do. In it you will discover a completely different side of Steve Jobs, a side that few have presented until now, especially after his death. Steve Jobs was a genius, but above all he was a man and unfortunately those around him sometimes suffered a lot from his character. Steve Jobs was a perfectionist and often humiliated his employees in an attempt to get them to make good products in a short period of time, and this generated a reputation as a tyrant within the Apple company.

     Steve Jobs was not a perfect father refusing to recognize his daughter, in the first two years after her birth, and even declaring in front of a court that he is infertile. Steve Jobs changed a lot in the world we live in, but he also did a lot of harm to the people around him, all in order to offer consumers the best possible products. Probably many will remember Steve Jobs in his good moments when he didn't yell, curse or humiliate employees who didn't perform their job duties properly, but others will remember him exactly as he is, with good and bad.

     I recommend to read this article of those from Gawker, the company that owns Gizmodo, to find out some things from Jobs' life.