LockMessages hides incoming text messages in iOS, allows changing notifications for them

   LockMessages is a new tweak for iOS 5 that allows iDevice owners to ensure that no one can see their SMS/iMessage messages received on their devices. The tweak allows users to set a security code that can be requested when someone tries to open the Messages application, but using the same tweak we can replace the text of the message and the contact that sent the message. The respective texts are replaced, as you can see in the image above, with some emoji characters and only in the Messages application you can see the full text as well as the name of the person who sent it or their phone number.

Hide your messages and modify the bulletins & alerts title and message. Protect the Message app with passcode.

   LockMessages has a dedicated menu in the iOS Settings application and from there we can activate/deactivate the tweak, change the security code and change the characters that are displayed instead of the contact name and the message text. LockMessages is available in Cydia in the BigBoss repo for $0.99.