Tutorial: Here's how you can make iBooks work on iOS 5

    I told you a few days ago that there is a method to repair the iBooks application to make it work on the new iOS 5 on jailbroken terminals, but that method is not 100% functional. Well, the method is now public, it can be tested by anyone, but I warn you to be careful because you might encounter problems using the application. This method ONLY applies to terminals that have iOS 5 installed and jailbroken because it requires access to the device's system files.

  1. Uninstall and reinstall the iBooks application.
  2. Connect the terminal to the PC/Open iFile from the iDevice and navigate to /var/mobile/Applications/iBooks folder/ and copy iBooks.app in the to file  /var/mobile/Applications/.
  3. Open the file in the respective folder Info.plist with a .plist editor, search for the named entry CFBundleIdentifier and in it modified com.apple.iBooks in com.apple.iBooksFix.

    After making the change, close iFile or the program used to access system files and perform a respring of your device. Now you will see two iBooks applications in Springboard. The one with square corners works on iOS 5 and the one with round corners must be deleted. Unfortunately, you cannot synchronize books with the new application, nor can you transfer it to iTunes, and if you delete it, you will have to repeat the procedure.

Thanks to B.