1 billion messages sent daily by users of the WhatsAppMessenger application

    WhatsAppMessenger is one of the most popular applications in the Romanian App Store, being on the top of the most purchased applications for several months. Users love the application because it allows them to send text messages to any other iDevice owner, but also to owners of mobile terminals with other installed operating systems. The application is also popular globally and currently has over 1 billion messages they are sent daily using the developer company's network, the figure being really impressive considering that we are talking about an application that costs only €0.79 and competes with iMesage.

The mobile messaging market is moving, choices around platforms and their pricing and how they provide an amazing customer experience are the hot topics at hand. As a leader in the messaging space and with our network now handling over one billion messages a day, we see that the power is with the consumer.

     I would have thought that iMessage would have forgotten the WhatsAppMessenger application, but users are still using it and even more than usual, so its developers have no reason to fear that soon they will no longer represent an option worthy of consideration.