The victim of the theft of an iPhone terminal could remain paralyzed for life

  Last year in the USA, a man was left without the meat on a finger after a robbery that took place at the exit of a mall. Then it was about an iPad tablet that the man had bought and that he had in a net that was snatched from his hand by a thief. This year we are talking

about an iPhone and about a talented ballerina who could be paralyzed for life after a robbery that took place in Cardiff, Wales. The young man was returning home after a night spent in the city, but he was robbed in the middle of the street and it is assumed that he suffered a break in his neck and now he is struggling between life and death.

Jack, a member of a ballet company in Bern, Switzerland, was visiting his student brother in Cardiff when he was attacked walking home from a night out. He was in the city's docks area when it's believed his attacker 'befriended him' – and showed him a short cut alongside a canal. Police say Jack was attacked moments later by the same man on the canal towpath.

  Unfortunately, these kinds of cases remind us of the fragility of life, but also of the things that some are willing to do for money. For now, the attacker of the young ballerina named Jack Widdowson has not been caught by the British police, but the case is highly publicized and I believe that the perpetrator will be found shortly.

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