Video: Nokia Gem – the concept of a 100% touch smartphone


   The Nokia company has serious economic problems at the moment, but its design department is more creative than ever. In the video clip above we have the concept a 100% touch smartphone designed by the engineers of the Finnish company. Practically the entire smartphone consists of a screen that responds to commands no matter where it is pressed. On the front, back, sides, top/bottom, you will have images and tactile sensors so that no matter how you press the device, it will respond.

    It's not practical, it's not beautiful, but as a concept it seems like something that would attract many. Nokia needs "the next big thing" to ensure its survival and if it took over and transformed a concept like this, it could bring a revolutionary product to the market. The concept above was created by the Nokia team on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the design team.