iBlackList Manager – a Romanian tool for unblocking calls on an iPhone

   The AppStore is slowly becoming a store where you cannot be sure that the application you buy turns out to do everything it says in its description. iBlackList Manager is part of this category, being an application that promises users to block ANY calls but in reality manages to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yes, the application promises the sea with salt, but in reality it is more than useless. Its description says that it can block any kind of calls, that it can set the volume to mute, that it can remove the call screen, basically it says that it can completely block the Phone application, which no application in the App Store can do.

By uploading it you will add a voluminous list of commercial phone numbers from around the world to your telephone. No, not for retaliation, but to cast a magic spell of the Black List on them. This is a powerful protection filter performing face control function for your incoming calls. Do not be afraid, this entire large contact base will show only in the address directory of the app, without cluttering your main list of phone numbers. Also here you will find a rich working interface, enabling you to manage your Black List masterly, with options to.

   I bought the application, entered a new contact in the list of blocked calls and...surprise! It didn't block him of course. The worst part is that the application is made by a Romanian, Dumitru Duca being his name. In conclusion, DO NOT BUY iBlacklist Manager, because it is a impaled ordinary This developer has several other applications in the App Store, I don't know how good they are, but I have a vague impression that they are made in the same way.

Thanks to Tiberius.