Video: The concept of a QR city

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   QR codes are essentially images that contain certain information that our smartphones can interpret without too many problems. For iOS, there are various applications capable of reading QR codes, but each application is specially made for a certain type of QR code, so there are no universal applications. Well, the European company ARWorks he imagines a world where QR codes would be available everywhere, could be read extremely easily and would provide users with information about everything that surrounds them.

    The video clip above represents a small demonstration of how the system would work and you notice that based on a scanned QR code we can find out information through web pages or we can even watch videos on YouTube. Practically, a QR code can give a smartphone various commands and I for one think that an idea like this would be extremely interesting. Perhaps it would be better to develop an application with augmented reality that would display information by simply pointing the camera at any object and Google already has a module called Googles in its App Store application, but it does not work so well everywhere.

    What do you think, a QR city or a city with augmented reality?