Sharp confirmed as supplier of screens for iPhone and iPad 3

    The other day we told you that Apple would have invested in the Sharp factories to ensure a constant flow of retina screens for the iPad 3 tablet to be launched next year. Well, now those from Wall Street Journal confirms the fact that Sharp already delivers screens for Apple's iPhone terminals and that future screens for iPad 3 will be produced by the same company. Apple would have already invested part of the billion dollars prepared for Sharp and this investment will provide the American company with enough screens to meet market demand.

TOKYO—Apple Inc. is adding Sharp Corp. as a maker of screens used in the next-generation iPad, people familiar with the situation said Thursday, as the US consumer electronics company moves to diversify component suppliers for its products.

One of the people familiar with the matter said Apple's next iPad is expected to launch next year, and Sharp's Kameyama No. 2 plant in central Japan will manufacture LCD panels for the device.

   Besides Samsung and LGD, Sharp should be the third screen manufacturer contracted by Apple and the hope is that problems with yellowed screens or backlight bleeding will no longer exist. Of course, no one can say with 100% certainty that Sharp will solve these problems in the screens built in its own factories, but Apple imposes strict rules for all its partners, so theoretically we should not be able to differentiate the products from a qualitative point of view.