Cydia does not work on iOS 5.1

   I told you in the morning that iOS 5.1 cannot be jailbroken on our iDevices using redsn0w and now we know the main reason why the Dev Team did not update their program to jailbreak the new version of iOS. According to iH8sn0w, Cydia became non-functional again with iOS 5 and until saurik solves the problem, the tethered jailbreak solutions will not be updated, so they remain unusable. Saurik is now working on solving the problem, but of course it will take a few days until Cydia can work with iOS 5.1.

   Even if there is no untethered jailbreak on iOS 5.1, you don't have to fear because there are no important changes in the new version of the operating system and a jailbreak would not help you at all now.