Pod2G's untethered jailbreak solution should be compatible with iPhone 4S

   Pod2G announced last week that it has an untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5, managed to port it to iPhone 4 with iOS 5.0.1, but remained reserved in terms of compatibility with iPad 2 and iPhone 4S because it does not own these devices. Even so, iH8sn0w reported in a tweet published on Twitter that the untethered jailbreak solution should theoretically be compatible with the iPhone 4S, if Pod2G can find a way to install it.

   The same solution should be compatible with the iPad 2 tablet, at least in theory because for now Pod2G does not have the devices at hand to check. I for one believe that the untethered jailbreak solution will be available for all terminals, but until another one we have to wait for Apple to release iOS 5.1 officially through iTunes.