Samsung is starting to gain more and more attention from Americans thanks to the new advertising campaign

   For several weeks now, Samsung has been running an advertising campaign in the US that makes fun of iPhone owners. Samsung promotes its own terminals and presents the functions of the current iPhone terminals as inferior to those available in the Galaxy series. Although Samsung was initially subjected to a wave of criticism, the reality is a little different because Americans are starting to take the Samsung brand seriously and the company's terminals generate more buzz than iPhones on the American continent.

Starting around Nov. 28 — six days after Samsung began airing its Galaxy Nexus ads mocking Apple's (AAPL) customer base (see here) — the Korean conglomerate's "buzz" started rising and the iPhone's drifting down. And on Wednesday, according to a press release issued by YouGov, something unthinkable happened: "Samsung has just edged past the iPhone in consumer perception in the US (adults 18+), likely powered by their new set of ads bashing the Apple fanboys who camp out for hours to buy the new iPhone.”

   information I come from the YouGov agency, which daily interviews more than 5.000 people about more than 1.100 brands present in the US. For now, the Samsung campaign is yielding results, but I suspect that in the near future we will see some new advertising spots in which Apple will offer an answer to Samsung. It wouldn't be out of the question to see ads like Mac vs PC but directed against Android OS and however Apple thinks about the problem, the idea is that a promotion campaign for iPhones would be beneficial now.