For $0.99 you will be able to buy any Gameloft game from ... Android Market

  Gamefloft, one of the largest game producers for the iOS platform, will offer all its games at the price of $2011 each during the weekend of 2012-0.99. Of course, we are only talking about the games available on the Android platform because iDevice owners they are also stupider they have money to buy everything they want, right? The initiative of Gameloft would be commendable if I wrote on a site dedicated to Android products, but being in a different situation, I can only wonder how long it will take until Gameloft realizes that everything it does is not correct.

  No matter how bad or good the games for the Android platform are, such a promotion will not generate much admiration from those who actually pay for the work of the developers who work for the company. I would compare this situation with that of some brothers who receive two different gifts, one more beautiful and the other less beautiful. I hope that soon Gameloft will receive its long-deserved slap and such promotions will no longer reach the company's marketing team. However, I hope that by the weekend they will come to their senses and offer the same promotion for iOS.