The British use iPhone terminals even if they have a cracked screen

   Un recent study carried out on approximately 1200 Britons revealed the fact that 42% of them used an iPhone terminal even after its screen was cracked. The figure is very high and shows the fact that although we are talking about a country with a high standard of living, not everyone can afford to change the screen of a £500 smartphone. Most of those who used such a terminal woke up with a cracked screen in the first 3 months of use and a third of them did not ask for the repair of the device based on the warranty offered by the operator/store.

   I have also met people who had iPhones with a cracked screen and still continued to use it, the reason being the lack of money to buy a new one or replace the screen. I have never used a phone with a cracked screen and I don't think I would. How was/is the situation for you?