Apple changes its retail strategy, focuses on small stores

  For some time in the Apple company there has been a change in strategy regarding its physical stores because in addition to its own constructions in various areas of the globe, Apple now intends to enter into partnership with large retailers to make smaller stores inside other large stores . Target is the first large retail chain where Apple will build sections where it will sell its products, the concept being called store-in-store. Basically, Apple will have a corner in a retailer's store where it will sell its products under its own regime and the company would prefer to expand its distribution chain in this way, opting not to build its own stores.

  After Target, the giant Harrods seems to be the second choice of the Apple company and in London a small Apple store could be opened inside another Harrods. These small Apple stores will not offer everything that is offered in the normal store, but they will make available to those interested the entire range of products offered by the American company. Through this concept, Apple could even enter the Romanian market with small stores that would not require much money to be opened or maintained. In our country, such a store could of course only be built inside shopping centers, but I for one believe that this concept could speed up the launch of an Apple Store even in Romania.