Tim Cook announces discounts of up to $500 for Apple products for his own employees

   Yesterday I told you that Tim Cook is going to announce something important for Apple employees during a conference that will take place in the Cupertino campus and that announcement is related to some discounts which will be offered to all company employees. Tim Cook announced yesterday that Apple employees will receive discounts of up to $500 for Macs and $250 for iPad tablets, and the discount program will start in June of this year. Employees must work at Apple for at least 90 days before being able to enter the program and have the opportunity to purchase a Mac or iPad tablet at a reduced price only once every 3 years.

   At the moment, employees receive discounts of up to 25% on Apple Macs, so Tim Cook's announcement could give many people the opportunity to purchase a MacBook Air at a very, very good price. Apple is not the first company to offer such promotions for its own employees, but I think it could offer more considering that the employee can benefit from the offer only once every 3 years.