Apple refuses to replace iPhone terminals whose batteries explode

 Last year we talked repeatedly about iPhone terminals whose batteries exploded and it seems that this year we are continuing the discussion. Now we're talking about a woman from Hong Kong whose iPhone 3GS ended up looking exactly like in the images above and the battery seems to be to blame which swelled up and the case cracked. The problem for the Hong Kong woman is that Apple refused to change the terminal claiming that she used it incorrectly although I don't really see how she could have used it incorrectly since the battery swelled and pushed the screen out of the case.

  The problem of the Hong Kong woman was also encountered by a Dutchman who woke up with a cracked iPhone also due to a battery that overheated, swelled and pushed the screen out of the case. Unfortunately, Apple does not solve such problems under warranty, so if you encounter them, you have to be careful because the stores in Romania could refuse to change your terminal even though it was not your fault.