Steve Jobs was investigated by the FBI in 1991 in order to be appointed as an adviser to the US president

  In 1991, Steve Jobs was still far from returning to lead Apple to save it from bankruptcy, but he was popular enough to arouse the interest of US President George Bush I. Steve Jobs was considered for the position of adviser to the president in terms of regarding the problems related to export, and for a man to be appointed in such a position, an investigation by the FBI was needed. The American agents interviewed Steve Jobs and some of his relatives and found out about the famous reality distortion field which basically means Steve Jobs' ability to see reality as he pleases in the idea of ​​getting what he wants, they learned about the time when he was high on LSD and about the fact that he did not recognize his daughter until after the court forced to do it.

Several individuals questioned Mr. Jobs' honesty stating that Mr. Jobs will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his goals. They also commented that, in the past, Mr. Jobs was not supportive of [redacted] (the mother of his child born out of wedlock) and their daughter; however, recently it has become supportive.

  FBI agents they investigated and a reminder, regarding a bomb attack, received by Steve Jobs in 1985 and taking into account all the information discovered, he came to the conclusion that he would not be the most suitable person for that position. This information comes after declassification a document of 191 pages which you can find here and which we will probably talk about in the following days.