Apple "attacks" some of the most important patents against Samsung

  At the weekend I told you that Apple sued Samsung asking in the USA to block the sale of the Galaxy Nexus terminal. This smartphone is made by Samsung in collaboration with Google and is the first to be launched on the market with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Regarding it and Android OS 4.0, Apple has removed from the "archive" 4 extremely important patents which, in the opinion of American analysts, bring before a court in California the most important process between Apple and Samsung. The 4 patents of Apple refer to: the possibility of searching for information on several sources using a single interface and Apple brings up Siri; the option to detect data, such as a phone number, in a web page or an email and the option to make a link through which an order can be activated (call, send SMS); the action of unlocking a terminal through the slide-to-unlock operation; and finally we have the patent for the automatic correction of phrases.

Analyst Mike Abramksy with RBC Capital Markets said in a note to investors Monday that although Apple's previous lawsuits against Samsung have failed to gain an injunction against the Korean company's products, Apple is not backing down. The latest lawsuit, filed in California last week, is based on what he sees as "much stronger patents" than previous lawsuits.

"The smartphone patent war is now at its highest intensity," Abramsky said. "While Apple's litigation to date has failed to produce any significant wins, Apple is now bringing its strongest patents into the war."

  Apple's patents represent essential and extremely important technologies in Android OS 4.0, and a possible decision to ban the sale of the Galaxy Nexus could be extended to all terminals equipped with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Of course, Google and Samsung can remove those functions from the terminals, but it would leave Android without some extremely important functions. Apple has kept apparently important patents hidden and these are not the only ones, but I think that neither Google nor Samsung have left themselves inferior and have prepared an answer at least as strong.


  1. @Mascka: au incercat sa breveteze si asta, dar nu au primit inca un raspuns. De fiecare data cand se apuca de formulat un raspuns, pe judecatori ii apuca rasul…

  2. Zicala “Nu haina face pe om” este cât se poate de adevărată. Poţi înlocui “haină” cu “telefon”, “casă”, “maşină” sau cu orice altceva. Niciun bun material nu te ridică decât în rândul celor de teapa ta. Poate, într-o zi, vei ajunge regele lor.

    mai bine cititi tot articolul „Mesaj către cocalarul cu iPhone şi cocalarul cu Android”

  3. Gabi , trebuie sa recunosc ca ai gasit un articol de nota 10 , bravo , mult adevar este acolo . Vizavi de tematica articolului , trebuie sa spun un singur lucru : la mine in casa sun 3 telefoane iphone ( unul cumparat de nou si alte doua injghebate din piese de schimb ) , sunt f. Multumit de felul cum se misca ai de felul cum imi fac treaba , mai ales ca am schimbat macazul dupa 10 ani de nokia . Insa cand vine vorba de apple , imi vine sa intru in pamant din cauza prostiei si neghiobiei afisate la drumul mare . Au brevete idioate , neinventate de ei , precum autocorect si utilizarea unui telefon in timp ce vb. , lista e lunga si nu are rost sa ne intindem . Cei care au o varsta si au fost ‘de la inceput’ vizavi de telefoanele gsm , isi dau seama rapid ca multe din patentele lui Apple sunt prosteala pe fata , mai ramane de brevetat cercul si patratul si in rest paisajul e complet . Poate ca in paturile americanilor inculti o astfel de strategie prinde , insa prin alte locuri , intelectualitatea si cei mai tehnici sunt de mult scarbiti de strategia apple . Am ales sa protestez impotriva prostiei apple de a se afisa in public , nu am nici nimic de zis vizavi de bijuteriile lor tehnice . Sunt dezgustat profund doar de strategia lor murdara de a da pe x sau y in judecata pt publicitate , strategie care este in profunda contradictie cu acest minunat concept care este idevice . Salutari comunitatii minunate idevice de pe acest bloc si sa auzim numai de bine .

  4. pai de ex cautare in mai multe surse : daca am casuta de search care cauta si in site si pe web inseamna ca incalc brevet apple ,nu ? asta e o chestie de bun simt cautare in mai multe surse nu o inventie … alt exemplu detectarea datelor in pagini de ex numere tel asta fac si eu pe K800 deci nu e ceva nou si inventat de apple …. corectarea automata e tot ceva vechi deci astea sunt abureli