iFixIt confirms the existence of Retina Display for iPad 3 (video)


  At the weekend I wrote an article in which I told you that the alleged screen of the iPad 3 tablet is in reality a Retina Display, the people at macrumors managed to check it using a microscope and compare it with that of the iPad 2. To confirm the veracity of the information and to see if the screen can be turned on, the from macrumors they sent the component to iFixIt which unfortunately only managed to confirm that it has 4 times the number of pixels and a resolution of 2048 x 1536. Unfortunately the screen cannot be turned on because it has a larger power cable but it is possible that in the days next, iFixIt will find a way to connect it to an iPad 2 tablet.

  Basically from iFixIt we only have a confirmation of the fact that the Retina Display exists and that it would be implemented in the iPad 3, something we almost certainly already knew.