UPDATE: Phillip Schiller announces that Apple will not broadcast the iPad 3 presentation conference LIVE, retracts his statement

iPad 3 LIVE

  Last evening, Phillip Schiller, one of Apple's vice presidents, announced on his Twitter account that Apple will NOT broadcast the iPad 3 presentation conference LIVE and that a recording of the entire event will be published on the website the company. The strange part is that a few hours after the publication of that message, it was inexplicably deleted from Twitter without Schiller offering any explanation to all those who took it or even retweeted it.

Apple won't be live streaming the event tomorrow. But as always, it will be available on our homepage right after the event is over.

  What does this mean? It's hard to say, I think that the chances that Apple will broadcast the event are extremely small, but there is always the possibility that an invitee will broadcast the conference LIVE from there.

UPDATE: The claim was made from a fake account, not Phill Schiller's.