Top 10: The most important news of the week on - 05.03.2012 - 11.03.2012 week in review

  This week the Apple company presented the new iPad tablet to the whole world and although we don't have a quad-core processor, we have a new Retina Display, we have a better camera, and a powerful graphic chip. The name of the product has not changed and the best part is that Apple will officially launch it in Romania in less than two weeks, so we will be able to purchase it at almost fair prices from local stores. iOS 5.1 has been available since Wednesday in iTunes and so far a tethered jailbreak solution has been released for it and an untethered one is said to be in the works. This week we will also see the first reviews for the new iPad tablet and on March 23 we will be able to purchase it from several stores in Romania.

  1. Romania is becoming an increasingly important country for Apple
  2. sn0wbreeze 2.9.2 available, makes tethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1
  3. iOS 5.1 – jailbreak/unlock situation
  4. iPad - operators in Romania that you can use the tablet with and the browsing speeds that you will be able to achieve
  5. The iPad has a battery of about 11.666 mAh
  6. Apple no longer signs SHSHs for iOS 5.0.1, some will not be able to restore/downgrade!
  7. Test the new iPad Retina Display directly from the Apple website
  8. Tutorial: Jailbreak iOS 5.1 using redsn0w 0.9.10 beta 6 on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch(Windows, Mac)
  9. Apple is preparing to introduce the option to test applications from the App Store before purchase!
  10. iPad - here are all the important news of last night's conference! – + 18 articles