Lettore permanently displays the Reader button in Safari

  In iOS 5 Apple implemented the Reader function in the Safari browser and with its help we can simplify the procedure for viewing web pages. Using the Reader function we can only see the text and images of a web page without ads and other elements that could make the experience of reading its content difficult. Unfortunately, the button for activating the Reader function is not displayed for any pages, but this is where the Lettore tweak comes in, forcing Safari to display the Reader button on any web page. Unfortunately, the button will not open the Reader function if it is not available, so its display is purely cosmetic, although you may find websites where the function is usable even if it is not natively displayed.

Lettore always shows the "Reader" button in Safari, no matter what. Inspired from OSX Mountain Lion's Safari 5.2. Even if Reader is not available, it will still show the button and if you tap on it, it will not open Reader if it's not available. No Settings or new Icons added. Simply show the Reader button in any web page.

  Lettore only works on iOS 5 and is available for free in Cydia's ModMyi repo.