Here is one of the most interesting Apple stores

  In the city of Portland, the Apple company intends to build one of its most interesting stores. In the image in this article you have the presentation construction and from the first you notice that the main part of the store will be built only of glass. Apple has chosen a very interesting design for its store because it will have glass panels both on the sides and on the roof, being one of the Apple stores with the most daring design. The glass panels will be supported by a metal frame and users will be able to look at the sky while testing a Macbook or will be photographed by tourists curious to see what is happening in an Apple store.

Apple described its project as, "Demolition of a portion of the existing 2-story retail store on this block to allow for a new single story building and outdoor plaza area. The new building and outdoor plaza area will include the northern 55' of the block bounded by SW Yamhill, Taylor, 4th and 5th. The new 17'-6" tall building is fully glazed with clear glass, with a 27'-6" tall stone wall adjacent to the existing building tower. The north elevation includes 3 sets of double entry doors." The store would occupy the now vacant section of Pioneer Place once occupied by the Saks Fifth Avenue store.

  For now, Apple is still trying to convince the authorities of the city of Portland that this store is safe for customers, but I think that in the end it will do it and build its "glass box" which will become a tourist attraction of the city in a very short time.