Does the iOS Mail application have a replacement in the App Store or on the web?

  The iOS installed on our iDevices has an application called Mail that allows us to control our email accounts without much effort. The application lists several important email services for which we can configure our account, but even if you do not have an email address with one of those services, you can configure almost any other service using the settings menu. As soon as you have made the necessary settings, you can connect to your email account, but the entire interface and available options are much too simple for an application so important to users.

  The iPad version of the application is clearly superior to the one for the iPhone, but both do not offer full functionality for all email services and do not have an extremely well-organized interface. The application was recently launched Sparrow which from my point of view is almost perfect and I would have easily replaced the native Mail application if it had offered push notifications. Without them, the application is useless because checking emails must be done manually and though there is a tweak which notifies you when you receive a new email, it does not display banners or notification messages, so it has no real utility.

  It exists in the App Store a multitude of applications of the mail type for various services, most of the important ones also have web applications, but users want a single application to control several services and unfortunately they don't have a good enough one. I use the Mail application from iOS although I would like something better without tweaks from Cydia and if Sparrow had push I would use it without thinking twice about this trick.

  What mail applications do you use?