The Retina Display in the iPad 3 displays images that have a much better saturation than those displayed on the iPad 2, but consumes more current

  Apple boasted that the Retina Display in the iPad 3 would have a 44% better color saturation than the screen of the iPad 2 tablet, and this proved to be true. Those from Apple have greatly improved the screen of the new tablet, but as a result it consumes much more energy during operation. Specifically, the screen consumes 30% more energy to display images at a better saturation level and this is due to the implementation of new filters that help to display much more real primary colors but that require more energy to work.

Based on the test's measurements, Apple chose to concentrate on upgrading the filters used in the Retina Display to more accurately reproduce the primary colors. The new technology resulted in a spike in power consumption, however, because the improved filters let less light through than inefficient versions. This is to be expected, as high quality filters are narrower by design in order to block out unwanted light bands.

  A secondary result of the implementation of these filters is also observed in the problem backlight bleeding which is not as pronounced in the case of the iPad 3 tablet. Basically, Apple changed a lot in the way the Retina Display of the iPad 3 tablet is built, but for that it had to implement a larger capacity battery, but I think that the "sacrifice" is fully deserved.