Steve Jobs was declared the greatest entrepreneur of our time by Fortune Magazine

  Steve Jobs was a genius, Steve Jobs was not an inventor but an innovator, he did not produce the Apple products that we see today, but he had the intuition, clarity and vision that gave him the opportunity to guess everything that people need. Steve Jobs was the one who propelled the Apple company to the place where we see it today, but he did not develop the hardware components or Mac OS/iOS, but he knew how to indicate exactly what the Apple company's products needed and he knew how to sell them . Steve Jobs was someone who took risks and knew how to convince the people around him that everything he says can be achieved and this determined the people from Fotune Magazine to name him as the greatest entrepreneur of our time.

Jobs' own intuition, his radar-like feel for emerging technologies and how they could be brought together to create, in his words, "insanely great" products, ultimately made the difference. For Jobs, who died last year at 56, intuition was no mere gut call. It was, as he put it in his often-quoted commencement speech at Stanford, about "connecting the dots," glimpsing the relationships among wildly disparate life experiences and changes in technology.

Although he could be abusive and mean-spirited to people who threw themselves into their work on his behalf, Steve Jobs has been our generation's quintessential entrepreneur. Visionary. Inspiring. Brilliant. Mercurial.

  Fortune Magazine compiled a list of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time and behind Steve Jobs are Bill Gates, Fred Smith - the founder of FedEx, Jeff Bezos - the founder of Amazon, Larry Page and Sergey Brin - the founders of Google and the list keep going. Steve Jobs undoubtedly deserves this title considering that he managed to create not only a successful company but also a mass of customers who idolized him.

  1. Steve Jobs - Apple
  2. Bill Gates-Microsoft
  3. Fred Smith – FedEx
  4. Jeff Bezos - Amazon
  5. Larry Page & Sergey Brin – Google
  6. Howard Schultz – Starbucks
  7. Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook
  8. John Mackey – Whole Foods
  9. Herb Kelleher – Southwest Airlines
  10. Narayana Murthy – Infosys
  11. Sam Walton – Wal-Mart Stores
  12. Muhammad Yunus – Grameen Bank