She downloaded the 25 billionth app from the App Store and won a $10.000 iTunes Gift Card

  The woman in the pictures is called Chunli Fu si she did download with the number 25 billion in the App Store to the Apple company and as a prize he received that iTunes Gift Card worth $10.000 that he is holding in his hand. The woman was brought by Apple to Beijing and participated in a press conference to hand over the award, but the fact is that she owned the iPhone terminal for only a month, so she is a very lucky woman. The interesting part is that the woman was not a big fan of Apple products and did not even know about the existence of the contest and when she was contacted she thought it was a prank, refusing to take seriously what the Apple representative told her.

  Although it seems great, that prize offered by Apple can only be used in the App Store, so physical products of the company cannot be purchased with its help. Even so, the woman now has enough money to buy everything she needs in the coming years. The app thanks to which the woman won the contest is called Where's My Water.