The largest Apple store will be built in Dalian, China (Video)


  China is a very important market for the Apple company and as a reward for the money brought to the American company in Dalian will be built the largest Apple store in the world. Although Apple is a company loved by many, a competitor of the location where the store is to be opened sent its employees to take down the advertising banners announcing the opening of the Apple store in Parkland Mall in Dalian, and in the video clip above you can see the entire operation. It seems that Dalian Department Store would not agree with the expansion of Parkland Mall to include the Apple store, but for now no one knows for sure the reasons that led to the actions in the clip.

Dalian Department Store is jealous of Parkland Mall for having an Apple Store. So, the Dalian Department Store sent its security team to push down the Apple Store banners outside the Parkland Mall.

  Whatever the reason for the complaints, Apple will solve the problems and quickly open a store there because it has millions of fans in China who can't wait to spend their money on iDevices/Macs.