AT&T starts decoding iPhone terminals sold through its own network!

   I told you this week that Tim Cook helps iPhone owners to decode their devices blocked in the AT&T network because the American operator refuses to do this even for those whose contractual period has expired. After numerous complaints and probably some discussions with those from Apple, it seems that AT&T will start decoding iPhone terminals sold in their own network but not under any conditions. In order for an iPhone to be decoded, the subscription on the basis of which it was purchased must have expired and the subscriber must have paid all his arrears when requesting the decoding of the terminal.

Beginning Sunday, April 8, we will offer qualifying customers the ability to unlock their AT&T iPhones. The only requirements are that a customer's account must be in good standing, their device cannot be associated with a current and active term commitment on an AT&T customer account, and they need to have fulfilled their contract term, upgraded under one of our upgrade policies or paid an early termination fee.

  Unfortunately, terminals bought with a contract that has not ended cannot be decoded, so you cannot decode anything, but this is the first step towards offering decoding options in any conditions. Decoding is only done from the USA, so a person has to go to AT&T to ask for decoding, so from Romania you can't do anything for now.