Apps for Apes – a US zoo promotes apps for orangutans

  For almost a year now, a zoo in the USA has been running a program through which it offers orangutans access to technology, specifically to Apple's iPad tablets. So far the orangutans have proven to be extremely receptive and have learned how to "button" the tablet of the American company and the management of the zoo wants to convince Apple should make a special section called Apps for Apes in the App Store. In this section, Apple would list all the applications made especially for orangutans so that zoos in other parts of the world can test the intelligence of the primates they have.

  More than that, it seems that hotspots will be installed in the cages of the orangutans that will allow them to make video calls and use various applications that require internet connections, so the whole project is quite well set up. I believe that those tablets would have been much more useful in the hands of children who would not have had the opportunity to buy such a device, because in their hands the tablets would have been much more usefully used.