The most important news of the week on - 02.04.2012 - 08.04.2012 week in review

  Today ends a more than quiet week for the iPhone user community because extremely important things did not happen. Unfortunately we have no new news regarding jailbreak solutions for iOS 5.1 and unfortunately we don't know anything about unlocking. I found out that a film about the life of Steve Jobs will be released in the fall of this year and that Ashton Kutcher will play the legendary CEO of Apple, although many people do not agree with this choice. The iPad 3 tablet seems to have some problems that many did not know about when they bought the product, and this is how the week that just ended can be summed up.

  1. AT&T and the blow given to unlock solutions
  2. iTweak Store aims to replace Cydia, it is officially presented
  3. Max Payne Mobile will be released on April 12 in the App Store
  4. The new iPad tablet has problems maintaining data connections on 3G networks
  5. The release of the R-SIM IV unlock solution for iPhone 4 is postponed
  6. HBO Go will soon also work via 3G and the service will be available at all operators in Romania
  7. 600.000 Macs allegedly part of a botnet network built using the Flashback trojan
  8. Apple is investigating the problems of the new iPad tablet that affect the Wi-Fi functionality
  9. Apple will change the functionality of the volume button with which we take pictures
  10. Ashton Kutcher thinks that the role of Steve Jobs suits him
  11. Some iPad 3 tablets display "colored spots" on the screen
  12. live on Pro TV (Video)
  13. iPhone Pro – the concept of an extremely interesting iPhone
  14. Win the new iPad tablet from evoMAG!