Over 21 million iDevices are available in China

  China is one of the largest markets for Apple, with the country accounting for approximately 10% of Apple's total revenue each fiscal quarter. According to a "census"  recently, 21 million iDevices are available in China at the moment and most of them are used in the capital and some other "rich" regions of the country. Practically most of the iDevices are used in the urban areas of China and I think that the situation is similar in most countries around the world considering that only in these areas there are high-speed mobile networks and wealthy users.

  China has become the country where most Android terminals and iDevices are activated, so in the coming years the number of Apple terminals available there will increase considerably. At the moment, almost all Apple iDevices are available in China, with the exception of the iPad 3 tablet, which is about to be launched and will certainly be well received by customers.