This is the location where this year's biggest jailbreak conference will be organized (Video)


  JailbreakCon 2012 is the biggest jailbreak conference organized this year, it will take place in San Francisco in September. In the video clip above you have a brief presentation of the location where everything will take place and where the hackers who develop the current jailbreak solutions will be present to explain everything that this process involves. Last year the conference was held in Europe, but this year the USA is the location where everything will move because most of those who develop jailbreak solutions live there.

  On the official website of the conference, tickets are available for purchase at the price of $65, but for $155 you have unlimited access to everything that will happen there. Last year the conference was moderately successful, but this year the organizers are expecting an even greater number of visitors and revenue in proportion, but it remains to be seen what will happen considering that in recent months there have been big problems regarding the development of solutions jailbreak.