Forecast displays the weather in real time directly in the LockScreen

  Directly from the developer of the LockInfo tweak, last night in Cydia we have a new very interesting tweak called Forecast, which activates in the LockScreen a widget that displays the weather in real time. In the image above we have presented how everything works and you can practically notice that the Weather widget from the Notifications Center has been "moved" to the LockScreen, it replaces the clock and displays all the information directly there. The interesting part is that the widget has been specially configured to display both time/date and weather information from a certain location, so it remains to be seen how it interacts with the rest of LockScreen and with tweaks like IntelliScreenX .

Forecast replaces your regular lockscreen clock with an updated iOS5 native weather widget. The updated widget includes the time and date and an icon to let you manually refresh the weather at any time. Forecast is smart enough to reduce data usage by only refreshing on the lockscreen at most every 15 minutes. Additionally, when weather updates are not available, you can still see the last weather and forecast with an unobtrusive icon in the corner to tell you that the weather is offline. Forecast has no settings or application icons. To disable, remove the tweak.

  Normally, the widget updates the information by itself once every 15 minutes, but there is also a button that allows you to force it to update the information when you want. Forecast does not have a settings menu in the iOS Settings application, so everything you see in it is taken from the Weather application where you have to set the location for which you want to see the information. Forecast can be purchased from Cydia for $0.99, for a limited time, but it only works on iOS 5.