Here's how much the Chinese sell their organs for to buy iDevices (Infographic)

  Believe it or not, some people resort to selling organs to buy their Apple iDevices and unfortunately a recent case demonstrated that this practice is widespread in China and has devastating effects. However, this did not stop one specialized site on medical information to tell us how much we can "get" from selling our organs on the black market and the infographic above shows everything. Doing a calculation, you notice that the organs in our body are worth only a few hundred thousand dollars, and some sell them at much lower prices.


  1. vai de mine, oamenii astia care isi vand organele pt un iPad nu sunt sanatosi,mai bine s-ar vinde sclavi ca si asa nu gandesc. Poate gandesc cei care ii cumpara il locul lor. Sa le spuna cineva ca organele sunt punse acolo cu un rost, nu asa de umplutura. Ma ingrozesc de asemenea gesturi.

  2. Lasa ca ii foarte bun articolul !!! Asta ne arata cum zicea cineva inaintea mea cat a decazut societatea in care traim !! Unii se lafaie in bani iar majoritatea mor de foame sau recurg la asemenea gesturi !!! Pentru cei care isi vand organele sa isi cumpere idevice-uri aia sunt bolnavi psihic, dar s-au imbolnavit tot datorita decaderii societatii in care traim.