Josh Gad could play the role of Steve Wozniak in the biopic based on the life of Steve Jobs

  A few weeks ago I told you Ashton Kutcher will play Steve Jobs in a biographical film called Jobs: Get Inspired. Well, filming for this movie will start in May, and the role of Steve Wozniak, the man behind Apple's first computers, could be played by Josh Gad. In the image above, you have represented this actor, you probably know him from some American comedies and I think you agree that he acts quite well with a young version of Steve Wozniak.

  Josh Gad for now would be in discussions with the producers of the film, but they will probably reach an agreement in the end. Jobs: Get Inspired will be released in the fall of this year and will cover the first years of the Apple company, so we will not have a story that will extend to the present day, the period in which Apple recorded the greatest success.

Written by Matt Whiteley, pic chronicles Steve Jobs from wayward hippie to co-founder of Apple, where he became one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of our time. Gad is making a deal to play Wozniak, who created the Apple I computer and co-created the Apple II computer in the mid-1970s.