List of tweaks and widgets compatible with iOS 5/5.0.1/5.1

  After the release of iOS 5, many tweaks and applications from Cydia were updated quite hard to be compatible with the new version of the operating system and for this reason a centralized database was made with the most popular packages available for we. 605 applications and tweaks are listed in the table below and with its help you can find out which of them are compatible with iOS 5/5.0.1 or even 5.1 because users and developers take care to regularly update the information in it.

  The last checks were made in May for some of the tweaks and applications, so a good part of the information is valid and if you cannot find out from Cydia how a tweak or an application works with iOS 5.x, then the table should to help you. Of course, there may be tweaks and applications that haven't been updated in a while and there is a chance that they won't work as it says there, but at least for a good part of the rest there is information. In addition to tweaks and applications, you have a table with widgets for the Notifications Center, but unfortunately it has not been updated for several months.

It is preferable to view the table using a computer or the desktop version of


  1. Am achizionat recent un 3gs cu iOS 5.01 avand jailbreak, si avea f. multe tweak-uri instalate, printre care si Cydelete, problema e ca am dezinstalat Cydelete si mi-a disparut iconita Cydia, s-a mai lovit cineva de problema asta, trebuie sa refac oare jb ?, in spotlight n-o mai gasesc!! Scuze de offtopic!!!

  2. @zaone!!! am s eu o nelamirire…vreau sa decodez un ip 4 nevarlok dar este bLacklist si cui iam dat sa mil faca a zis ca reteaua pe care este blocat,uk o2,nu este compatibila deocamdata….trebuie s reteaua lor activaa sau cum ,pt a il decoda?? explica mi si mie tot ce trebuie facut!!! ms

  3. @Goe , Geo nu e nevoie sa refaci nimic . cauti cydia 1.6.deb si cu ifunbox il pui in /var/root/Media/Cydia/Autoinstall si dai reboot la telefon si ar trebuie sa iti instaleze cydia sau fara sa dai reboot poti sa il copii in var/mobile/Media/Downloads/ apoi cu ifile intri acolo dai si il instalezi , respring si ar trebui sa fie acolo. si cel mai important inainte sa faci un lucru un backup e foarte bine venit.