Apple is also one of the important reasons why it fights against jailbreaking

  In the last year, Apple intensified its fight against jailbreak and many attributed this attitude to the piracy phenomenon, which, let's be serious, has reached alarming proportions in recent years and seriously affects all platforms for mobile terminals. Although app hacking is an extremely important reason why Apple blocks jailbreak solutions, it is not the only one. Few of us take into account the fact that Apple sells iDevices to governments, large companies, government agencies, the army, the police and other entities that place great emphasis on the security of the mobile terminals used by their own employees.

  More and more such entities are interested in buying iDevices at the expense of BlackBerry terminals and Apple promotes them as secure devices that cannot be compromised. Well, the existence of jailbreak solutions contradicts Apple's marketing policy, so it fights very hard to annihilate these jailbreak solutions very shortly after their release, but that's not all. iOS 5 brought new security measures that were hardly overcome by the hackers who developed the jailbreak solutions and in the future things will not become easier, on the contrary, everything will become much, much harder.

  Apple must protect its platform, Apple must present it as a premium platform that is difficult to exploit and that is perfect for entities that place great emphasis on security. Considering that lately more and more entities of this kind are choosing iDevices, it seems that the plan of those from Apple is a good one, but this means that in the future jailbreak solutions will be developed more and more difficult. Apple will fight even more against the development of this kind of solutions and at some point it will probably end up taking hackers to court to protect the integrity of iOS and sell it, for hard money, to companies, governments and government agencies around the world. .

  The fight against jailbreaking is not limited to hacking and iOS compromise, but these two reasons are extremely important for those at Apple.