The untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5.1.1 could be released in less than 24 hours

  Since the beginning of the week, it has been speculated that the untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5.1.1 would be released tomorrow and if we look at conference agenda HITB where Pod2G, Planetbeing, MuscleNerd and Chronic Dev Team participate, then we could shoot conclusion that during the afternoon/afternoon tomorrow we could have the jailbreak program. The HITB conference takes place in Amsterdam, a city located in a country that has a different time zone from that of Romania, and if we look again at the agenda we find that between 12:30 and 15:30 (Romanian time) the famous hackers will discuss about jailbreak and we might see the untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5.1.1 in that period.

  Of course, no one knows if this will happen, but the developers of this jailbreak solution have made it clear that then everything could be released. On HITB's Twitter account it was said that a LIVE jailbreak will be performed tomorrow, but it remains to be seen if it is about the new solution or old ones. If, however, the launch will not take place between those hours, then the solution could be available either during the evening or on the weekend, after the HITB conferences are over.

  List of compatible iDevices with the new jailbreak solution you can find it here.