BackForwardList for iOS 5 allows you to choose which pages open when you use Safari's Back/Forward buttons

  BackForwardList for iOS 5 is a tweak that was launched this day in Cydia, and with its help you can expand the functionality of the Back/Forward buttons of the Safari browser. These buttons allow us to access a previously loaded page, but desktop browsers allow users to choose which of the previous pages they can load. Specifically, desktop browsers display a list of previously opened pages, and the user can choose which of those pages to load. Safari does not do this natively, but with the help of this tweak it is taught how to react when you long press the Back/Forward buttons.

Enable Safari's native back-forward list in iOS 5. Hold down the back or forward buttons to pull up their respective lists. Pull down on the list to close. Swipe across individual items to delete them.

  BackForwardList for iOS 5 works only on iOS 5 and is available for free in Cydia.