PersistentAssistant forces Siri to listen to you immediately after it finishes "talking"

    The personal assistant Siri in the iPhone 4S allows us to use it for various tasks, but after saying each command and fulfilling it, we have to press a button to force the assistant to listen to us again. If you don't want to listen to Siri every time you say a command, you have the option of using PersistentAssistant. This tweak forces Siri to open the microphone and listen to new commands even after it finishes running a command or providing information, without us having to press its button every time.

Talking to Siri should be a conversation. You should not have to tap the button every time you want to ask Siri something. I've fixed that problem. With Persistent Assistant, Siri will automatically start listening to you when she finishes talking. This will allow a REAL conversation.

  PersistentAssistant works only on iOS 5 and with any iDevices that have Siri installed. PersistentAssistant is available for free in Cydia.