EA Games will offer free games in the App Store, the change to the freemium model will take place in a few months

  EA Games is one of the largest producers of games for mobile terminals, its applications being downloaded by tens of millions of iDevice owners. Most of the company's games are available for a certain price in the App Store, occasionally they organize important promotions, but it seems that in the future the freemium model will be the one based on which EA Games will reorganize its business. This freemium model involves the publication of applications that are available for free, but which through in-app purchases allow the expansion of functionality and generate enormous revenues for developers.

We are all over that. There will be a few one-time download games in the future, but they are such the exception, and the norm will be freemium games. Over the last three years, we reengineered the console business. There was a lot of mediocre stuff and we moved to making a lot fewer good titles. Basically, we are taking that approach to fewer, bigger and better from console to mobile and social, and adapting to freemium.

  A game based on the famous series The Simpsons will mark the transition to the freemium model, but its launch is scheduled only in a few months. Even so, EA Games are taking a first step towards increasing revenues because the freemium model is the most profitable of all App Stores. In practice, users receive a few functions for free and are tempted to buy options to have "more", and developers earn significant sums based on these wishes. In the future, most developers will adopt this model, it remains to be seen when everyone will take this step.