Firefox Junior – the first version of Firefox for iPad (Video)


  It has been rumored for some time that Mozilla would develop a new browser for iDevices and here is that last night one of the engineering teams of the company submitted Firefox Junior, a prototype of a browser specially designed for Apple's tablet. Mozilla engineers claim that the Internet browsing experience using Safari for iPad is terrible, and here I have to partly agree with them. With the idea of ​​reinventing the browser for tablets, those from Mozilla present in 20 minutes, the prototype designed by them for the iPad tablet, a prototype that works based on the Safari webkit, otherwise it cannot be published in the App Store.

  Those at Mozilla have chosen to completely abandon the status bar where we can insert links, search the internet or have bookmarks displayed, preferring to offer users a full screen internet browsing experience. However, you will notice that on the screen there are 2 large buttons on the sides and I will tell you that they have the role of allowing us to open a new page, to return to the previously opened page, to see the access history, etc. Finally, Mozilla wants to implement the option to log in with multiple usernames in Firefox, each username saving the settings for the browser, browsing history, etc.

  Basically, Mozilla wants to center the experience on the content of the pages, to offer users this content on the entire screen, but I don't know how successful their concept will be, considering that it is based on the iOS Safari. For now, it is not known when or if Firefox Junior will arrive in the App Store, but as soon as new information appears, you will find it here.