Google Maps displays information about traffic in Bucharest

  Although many European capitals have had information about traffic in Google Maps for several years, now Google has thought of bringing everything inclusive to Romania. If you access the Maps application, press the button at the bottom right and select the option Show Traffic, then in Bucharest you will see everything that can be seen in the images in this article. Basically, Google marks with red the roads on which it is difficult to travel due to traffic jams, with orange marks the areas where the traffic is moving with some difficulties, and with green are marked the areas where the traffic is light. All marked areas pulsate to attract your attention and I can say that the whole system is more than welcome.

  Unfortunately, only certain areas of Bucharest are monitored, no other city benefits from this system for now, but probably by the end of the year the big cities will have everything that Bucharest has at the moment.

Thanks to Ionut D.