PowerGuard partly solves the problem of stolen iDevices, it introduces a security system for closing iDevices

  These days it was discussed about a possible function that Apple could implement in iOS 6, a function that would add an additional level of security for those who fear that their iDevice could be stolen. Basically, the idea is presented that our iDevices would ask for a PIN when we want to close the terminal, the PIN having the role of preventing thieves from closing an iDevice that has Find My iPhone active and thus the real owner would immediately find the device. Of course, it is not known when Apple will consider implementing this function in iOS, but the tweak power guard, published last night in Cydi, to partially solve the problem.

Always power off your device without meaning to do it? Afraid of thieves who will shut down the device so it won't be trackable? Your kids always shut down your device? Don't worry! We have got a solution for you! Just pre-define a security code that will be asked when someone will try to shut down your beloved device! for disabling or enabling it you will need to provide you password so no one can simply disable it!

DEFAULT password is: password

  Practically after installing PowerGuard activate a security menu that forces you to enter a password every time you want to lock your iDevice. In the iOS settings menu you can enter the desired password, from there you can also choose whether the tweak is active/passive, and with its help you get an extra chance to find a stolen iPhone. Basically, when the thief steals the iPhone, he can no longer close it to disable Find My iPhone, but he can disable the function directly from the iCloud menu of iOS, so you don't have to think that PowerGuard completely solves the problem. Even so, I consider PowerGuard as an essential tweak for those who also use Find My iPhone, and in Cydia you can find it at the price of $0.99.