iOS 6 - performance and problems

  I have already said several times that iOS 6 it is the most stable beta version of an iOS ever released by Apple and I maintain my statement, although I have to mention a few things encountered in using the system. I have an iPhone 4S, theoretically the most powerful iPhone ever produced by Apple, and when I use iOS 6 I rarely notice that the system "hangs" in an inexplicable way. I leave aside the Maps application that seriously tests my 4S when I load the 3D FlyOver mode, but I encountered a similar experience when using Safari to locate myself via GPS using Google Maps, or when using various applications.

  It is true that iOS 6 works 90% very well, but sometimes even a simple transition from one Springboard page to another generates a slight trace of lag. To be honest, I assume that it is a completely unverified code, because otherwise the 4S works very well, even unexpectedly well considering that we are talking about iOS 6 and that Apple has to limit its performance in order to sell the iPhone 5 I expect that in the final version of iOS 6 there will be notable differences between iPhone 3GS (if it will still be supported), iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and the new iPhone 5 because Apple makes a differentiation like this every year to convince users to buy the latest version of iDevices.

  Regarding the bugs, I can't say that I didn't have a few applications closed out of the blue or that I didn't have the Settings or Phone applications blocked a few times, but these things happened to me to some extent in iOS as well 5. What bothers me is that sometimes the warning tone for emails is played a few seconds after the messages appear on the screen and the screen turns off, and I thought that Apple solved these problems. In the end, there are no big differences compared to iOS 5, as far as bugs are concerned, at least not in my case.

  In conclusion, on the iPhone 4S iOS 6 works very well in most cases, there are small glitches, but I think they are more related to the beta version of the system and not to anything else. What experience did you have?