The creator of Instapaper says that the new iMacs will not have Retina Display

  The creator of the famous Instapaper application, whose functions were "borrowed from Apple and implemented in iOS, says that future iMac models will not have Retina Displays. He says that for Apple the development of iMacs with screens that have a resolution of 5120 x 2880 pixels proves to be extremely problematic and this would be the main reason for not including such a change in future products. It is speculated that Apple will include Retina Displays in iMacs since it postponed their update to WWDC 2012, but fans of this kind of products could be very disappointed.

I've now heard from multiple sources that while an iMac update is indeed coming this fall, it will not have Retina displays. Oops. Can't win 'em all.

  The new iMacs should be launched in the fall of this year and if they will not include Retina Displays, then they will bring new Intel i7 processors from the Ivy Bridge series, they will include USB 3.0, Nvidia 650M GT graphics cards and maybe SSDs . Even if we are still talking about simple rumors, I recommend you not to get your hopes up too high regarding the implementation of Retina Displays in the iMac.